Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Having to compete with magic

     Starting over, if I didn't know better I could not say what I have seen and the birds that sing at night are no longer here (sad face)! I really can't expect much of anyone anymore and having known that the devil does not play fair and perhaps turns chickens into chicks and gives them wings to fly away by merely adding pixie dust. 
     Yes, cartoons all around is what children are all about. Oh yes, starting over..starting over for me at this point has taken a toll and has been a roller coaster ride with some crazy loops and laps that have made me become twisted and wrapped a couple perhaps, millions of times. Crime is on my mind that is probably taking place right now, as corruption sails to a far away land and the evil of the spirits enjoy their wealth that has been taken by force from innocent dumb people that probably can't stand a chance against a crowd of crows that just' wait for a piece of bread to be dumped by someone else. 
     Starting over by thinking about a piece of bread that looks like bread to me but is actually something else to someone else. See magic exist in the world I live in and I have seen things and places transform themselves in a blink of an eye. I can't compete with magic! (Boldly speaking) Magic is powerful! People that use magic must be very competent. I'm sure to use magic for evil on someone must really be a way of proving that those people are better than most.
     I can't compete with magic because God didn't give us all those tools, God didn't intend for most of us to live in a kingdom that was meant for only magical creatures as one's that live in lovely places ,I'm sure. Magic can be used in powerful ways. Let me give you an example of the magic I have witnessed. The mind that might wrap around our thinking can be very powerful! It can make us feel and see things as it wants. Magic can have permanent effects on the mind,spirit and whole being! There was this one time that I was here in what appears to be the desert where a lot of death might have taken place and sacrificing people is not a thing of the past but what appears to be a thing that might continue to happen. But what difference do we know of who's people or who's an animal now a days. Anyway, I was alone in this place I live in and no cars where passing by and no people walking at all! It felt like a deserted place and I sensed something coming. I tried to not feel as if it was getting to me but the feeling and thoughts of insanity where becoming too strong. So, I took off to L.A. Who know's what drives me out of town during some times. Maybe it's something good that's coming and a whole bunch of negative spirits decide to bundle up and drive me away. That's very competent. 
     It all has to do with money! Money, money and more money, if people have a way of changing the way they look in an instant as some get wrapped by their daemons or what not to get away, why would they not do it, over and over again. Some people are told they are destined to live in the bottomless pit forever and having been told that over and over again, they began to believe that and seemed to grow accustomed to a certain way of revolutionary thinking. A way of thinking that bring curses upon all their family members and that is how John became Jane and Francisco became Francis..that is how people became to adopt names and took over other's wealth as other's escaped to God know's where as they fled to a place where sin and having many wives was ok.
     Good people don't stand a chance against evil, unless a powerful army sent by God himself goes out and fight for some good people. Starting over does not necessarily mean as starting as a fake, but realizing what hasn't been realized yet. We spend a whole life time plus a half of another busting our asses trying to figure out why we can't advance and have material things as other's. But once we realize that other's move faster than some of us and to them a body is just as what appears like a snakes skin that they can easily dispose of at any time is out of this world. I don't know if it's a gift from God or just a higher unimaginable power of a particular black hole, but it's powerful!
     It's a difficult time we are living in. Some of us don't live in heaven, some of us are too fearful to seek for help that is probably not out there. Some of us are just targets that are foreseen by the one's that know they will never die or have eternal rest due to their corrupt past. (having a sense of freight and feeling of sadness) I don't know why, but I know that shit went wrong when people began to go out into space and fell at a different time and space. (hearing the laugh of a baby) A baby..who takes the life of a man and turns them into children again?
     That's right..tools to stay thin, tools to be tall, tools to look different, tools to get away, tools to do wrong, but who uses tools to love anymore?
No Body!(with a hopeful thinking) So why bother to reinvent ourselves in starting over as other people when we all return to our own vomit. Some of us don't even know who threw us up so how can we return as vomit? 
     Maybe that is why I love music and the sound of the birds, because some songs say what we want to hear and some birds sing when it's quiet. Get it? Anyway..Being still isn't easy when so much in the air is against one's space. A huge family is a blessing not only from God but from father time too. Thinking positive helps, opening up the bible helps so much! Being confident that God is present helps and being confident in our faith in God is the most important tool that we all need to master before all else. The hardest tool I am afraid to write that I have not learned to posses.
     I still get scared as a child I think, maybe even worse. I get scared because I love God, and wish to do and live right so bad that I know perhaps dark clouds come above me so God would miss me over and over again, and perhaps can't see me of who I truly am or have the potential of being because of all the evil that still surrounds me and I believe I was already foreseen. Witches have a way of getting what they want and making some of us good hearted people look fat, short, perhaps ugly or even dead. How can God know how many hairs I grow then?
   Forgive me God, for my faith fails me as you approach me.